Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

Iqtisad Journal of islamic economics (kode J045)

Pusat pengembangan ekonomi syariah FE UII Yogyakarta
Vol. 4 no. 1, Muharram 1424 H/Maret 2003

1. do risk based capital requirements allocate financing and cause A “bigger” loan loss provision for Islamic banks?. By. Abdul Ghafar Ismail, Shahida Sahimi.
2. study on factors influencing performance of the best baitul maal wat tamwils (bmts) in Indonesia relevansi ajaran agama dalam aktivitas ekonomi. By. Muhammad Akhyar adnan, agus widarjono, M. Bekti Hendri Anto
3. The influence of religiosity, income and comsumtion on saving behaviour: the case of international Islamic university Malaysia (iium)
4. towards a new perspective of project evaluation: an Islamic outlook with special emphasis on discounting problem. By. Masyhudi Muqorobin.
5. Sinergi oposisi biner: formulasi tujuan dasar laporan keuangan akuntansi syari’ah the disclosure of Islamic values – annual report. Oleh: Iwan Triyuwono.
6. Rekosntruksi etika bisnis : perspektif Al-Qur’an. Oleh: Lukman Fauroni.

Jika anda membutuhkan Jurnal diatas untuk penulisan makalah/skripsi/tesis/desertasi, sebutkan kode dan nomor judulnya, hubungi Jahar HP 085880579267, atau

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