Rabu, 15 September 2010

Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah (Kode J066), TERSEDIA PDF

1. a phenomenological conception af private sector responsibility in socioeconomic development. By. Bayu Silvia and Masudul Alam Choudhury (Indonesia)

2. users’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility and accountability: evidence from an emerging economy. By. Khalid Al Khater (Qatar) and Kamal Naser (UK)

3. The causes of productivity change in GCC banking industry. By. Saeed Al Muharrami (Oman)

4. the development of accounting regulation in the GCC; western hegemony of recognition of peculiarity?. By. Abdullah K Al Qahtani (UK)

5. decreasing corporate governance in an ethico-economic general equilibrium model of unity of knowledge. By. Masudul alam choudhury and sofyan S Harahap

6. Corporate social disclosure in Libya. By. John Pratten and Adel Abdulhamid Mashat

jika anda membutuhkan jurnal diatas untuk penulisan makalah atau riset, sebutkan kode dan nomornya, email ke jaharuddin@gmail.com

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