Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Buku Ekonomi Syariah (Kode B069), TERSEDIA PDF

JUDUL : Theoritical Foundations of islamic Economics
Edited by: Habib Ahmed. IDB ITRI, 167 pages
1. Conseptual and shari’ah related contributions
• The Scientific approach to isalmic economics: Philosophy, Theoritical constuction and applicability. By. Abdulrahman Yousri Ahmed.
• Fiqh foundations of the theory of islamic economics: a survey of selected contemporary writings on economics relevant subjects of fiqh. By. M Fahim Khan

2. Analytical anda theoritical contributions
• Transactions in conventional and islamic economies: a comparison. By. Mabid ali al-jarhi.
• Individual, society, and social choice in Islamic Thought. By. Said Hallaq
• Analytical tools of islamic economics: a modified marginalist approach. By. Habib Ahmed.
• On determining the moral hazard and adverse selection in the islmic firm. By. Ken Baldwin, Humayon A dar, and John R Presley.
• Portfolio Choices and assets pricing in islamic framework. By. Zamir Iqbal.

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